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Location: Bay Area, California, United States

A girl with a sensitive heart, high volume laughing/smiling capability, loves small talk and long conversations. can't imagine living without family, friends and ice cream oh and LipGloss!

Sunday, March 19, 2006

"Please don't wake up yet, stay in bed", said chinmay. He was affraid that I will get up and start talking to him, therefore he won't be able to watch his WWII video. ha! I woke up, paid a visit to the bathroom which I scrubbed and cleaned with fresh spray yesterday. It smelled so nice and clean. The window above the sink was half open , welcomed itself and hang out with the candles and soaps. I opened the water faucet, spalshed my face with luke warm water. The sun had managed to make its way out of the clouds after two-three days.

I entered the kitchen and made two cups of coffee with easy on sugar. I read in a magazine yesterday that sugar can be the cause for bad skin. I had remembered to pick up a cinnamon rasin bagel from Albertsons for today. I spread the original creemecheese on my half cut bagel and sat at the coffee table, sipping on my coffee and biting on my warm creamy bagel. Mmmm!

I relaxed a little grabbed a book, then watched some t.v. and went to get ready to have lunch on state street with Chinmay's labmates. I wore Yellow, "eve holiday" skirt with a green top with little beads around the neck and a white 3/4 sleeved cardigan; my last year's bday outfit from Chinmay.

We reached the restaurant a bit early, so to kill some time, walked to the local court-house on Anapamu road. It was a beautiful quick tour, sorrounded by old ladies and gents, palm trees, water fountains, big doors and room full of leather benches, and an old squeaky elevator, which of course took us on top of the building, just to show the beautiful ocean, the palm trees lining the waterfront, houses on the mountains which looked like a painting, and the clear blue sky with birds flying so freely and happily.

While eating lunch, I realized that I was sitting with 4 other ph.d's who love bio-medical stuff and I know very little about the subject. While they talked about cells and conferences and PNAS magazine, I looked at the white wine bottle, extremely clean and clear water goblets full of water and ice cubes, the condensation, and the bright yellow lemon swimming inside it. Oh, yes I did participate in other topics like, vegetarian diet, weddings, Saint Patrick's Day, Vietnam War, San Francisco, Politics and the middleast. We had a great time.

We stopped at the library. I opened a new account for myself and checked out many books. Perhaps, I'll read some of them, perhaps not.

I paid a visit to a store on our way back home to pick up a mat for the bathroom. As I stood to wash my face this morning, I felt that the bathroom wanted a make-over. I picked a nice fresh seagreen soft mat, which ended up being too mushy and the door wouldn't close.

I had dinner with Nisheet and Harith. And now here I am, next to Chinmay, trying to summerize a fun Sunday, while he reads WWII stories. I am heading back to LA tomorrow. Back to the hectic life full of traffic, red lights, yellow lines, factories, companies, people, smoke, horns, running around, merging in and out of lanes, answering phone calls, going in and out of meetings, talking to people, smiling, wearing high heels, carrying fake smiles (rohit, i feel the same), checking emails constantly to make sure that everything is fine at work, solving issues, doing presentations..............................................................Working.


Blogger Dancing Queen said...

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9:23 PM  
Blogger R said...

Hmm..! Had fun with Hubby and gang?! Goooooooooooooooood!

*Fake* smiles are important, aren't they? Most of my friends argue and tell me it's not required. 'One should be how they are.' I DON'T AGREE!

LA for work? Where do you guys stay otherwise?

9:45 AM  
Blogger Dancing Queen said...

how dare u delete my comment!!!

7:38 PM  
Blogger Jay said...

Aha ...!

12:13 AM  

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