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Location: Bay Area, California, United States

A girl with a sensitive heart, high volume laughing/smiling capability, loves small talk and long conversations. can't imagine living without family, friends and ice cream oh and LipGloss!

Thursday, April 10, 2008


Pallu43 (9:36:22 AM): Dave, i am going to Italy tomorrow and need to know how to say Hi, Thank you, Have a good day and where is the bathroom in italian. help.
Das Ubergeek (9:36:36 AM): hahahahahaha
Das Ubergeek (9:36:49 AM): hi = buon giorno (daytime), buona sera (evening)
Das Ubergeek (9:36:55 AM): thank you = "grazie"
Das Ubergeek (9:37:09 AM): have a good day? nobody says that in Italian
Pallu43 (9:37:24 AM): how about "go to hell?"
Das Ubergeek (9:38:26 AM): hahahahahha
Das Ubergeek (9:38:28 AM): one thing at a time
Pallu43 (9:38:36 AM): i only have 24 hours.
Das Ubergeek (9:38:37 AM): where is the bathroom = dov'e la toletta
Pallu43 (9:38:40 AM): u dont understand.
Das Ubergeek (9:38:43 AM): (i might misspell this)
Das Ubergeek (9:38:51 AM): (because i don't really ever write Italian)
Das Ubergeek (9:38:57 AM): huh?!
Pallu43 (9:39:11 AM): i only have 24 hours to learn all this hahah
Das Ubergeek (9:39:17 AM): or dov'e il gabinetto?
Das Ubergeek (9:39:20 AM): that's a little more proper
Das Ubergeek (9:39:27 AM): "where is the toilet" vs. "where is the bathroom"
Das Ubergeek (9:39:32 AM): so
Das Ubergeek (9:39:50 AM): Hello - Buon giorno - bwohn JORR-no
Das Ubergeek (9:40:09 AM): Hello - Buona sera - BWOHN-ah SAI-dah
Das Ubergeek (9:40:26 AM): Goodbye (formal) - Arrivederci - ah-ree-veh-DAIR-chee
Das Ubergeek (9:40:34 AM): Goodbye (to people your own age) - Ciao - CHOW
Das Ubergeek (9:40:56 AM): Where is the bathroom - Dov'e il gabinetto - DUH-vayl gah-bee-NET-toh
Das Ubergeek (9:41:16 AM): Please - per favore - pair fah-VOH-day
Das Ubergeek (9:41:36 AM): Thank you - grazie - GRAHT-syay
Das Ubergeek (9:41:57 AM): You're welcome - prego - PREH-goh (also used when someone hands you something)
Pallu43 (9:41:57 AM): see i knew u'd save me.
Pallu43 (9:42:13 AM): i am going to print this chat and memorize it on the flight.
Das Ubergeek (9:42:24 AM): Go to hell / Fuck off / Get stuffed - vaffanculo - vah-fahn-GOO-loh
Pallu43 (9:42:31 AM): Woh Dave Easy there mate.
Pallu43 (9:42:35 AM): "grazie"


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