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Location: Bay Area, California, United States

A girl with a sensitive heart, high volume laughing/smiling capability, loves small talk and long conversations. can't imagine living without family, friends and ice cream oh and LipGloss!

Thursday, August 26, 2004

Going on a One way street...but the wrong direction!

Ninth grade it was i started taking typing lessons. lately i have been noticing that i type really fast...but defintiely not as fast the thoughts in my mind sometimes. Ok so there are some days where my mind just has too many thoughts....i am a little person and how is it fair for all those thoughts to visit me on the same day, same time, same moment ...tsk tsk tsk at the thoughts!!! I mean they are so strong and powerful that they totally drag me into the la la land of nowhere. Its one after the other and another and more. They run at me so fast and i just want to get out of the way, duck down, step out BUT, for some reason something inside my head says, Come on show them whats up! So here is my ego trying to be COOL and Hip...ready in a charlie's Angel Pose to take it on... so as they come so fast at me and are being so little they just push me down on the ground of questions and answers,they get me rolling and summersaulting with the negatives/positives - the pros and the cons. so somehow i manage to get up on my feet with the help of that cane of wrong/right decisions so i can walk on that path of "moving forward". So then i am walking, running, jogging, watever the hell i am doing.. most of the times i end up smiling cuz i reach where i need to reach and then there are some days i slow down and say to myself..."Pallu, you are going on a one way street......and do you realize that this is the wrong direction?!"


Blogger zany said...

:) i didn't know you were so enigmatic.. and such a good writer too.. :)
keep up the blogging, you really write very well..

1:23 AM  

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