Stomp Stomp...I am here - Watch out - I am gonna get you.....
My sudden reaction to his presence is always, a little "chanchal"-- He is so strange, sometimes he gives me the warm feeling and then there are times when he gives me the chills, yet, i like him a lot. I love his way of expressing himself or rather the way he brings out my fear, excitement, and the feeling of fullfillment.
His habbits are really really naughty. He has a tendency of tricking me. He'll give me false signs. Tricks me into thinking that he is coming to see me, to spend time with me, sing with me, dance with me or even just to let me look at him from far away -- be it for just a minute or two. BUT no...he'll give me all the hopes in the world and then does not show up. Such a sad feeling. This time he sent me no signs, I was inside and when I walked out he said, "Guess who's here, its me - your buddy *Rain"
I wonder what happened to his messenger Mr. Clouds, his friend Ms. Wind, how come those little leaf buddies didnt get scared and started to run away? They try so hard, only if they knew that they should just stay where they are because he ends up catching them no matter what. Its a very cute chasing game I must say. All the flowers, trees, the mud and even the roads wait for him. He's got a fantastic style of quenching their thurst by just letting himself go and let them take him.
I could go on and on and on with his stories....though I think I'll just stop at my Fear ....fear of getting soaking wet and not wanting to go back inside and ending up freezing myself up to the core...OR maybe at my excitement of just letting myself go and let him take over, or even maybe my fullfillment - fullfillment of just knowing that if it wasnt for him I wouldnt appriciate the green sorroundings and the extra good taste of my coffee on that special little chilly, "Chanchal" day.
Note: Rain is "him" for me - I grew up in south-western part of india (Kolhapur) and Rain is Masculine in Marathi ...known as "Paauus" -- Tho Paaus!