iss pal ki dhun.....

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Location: Bay Area, California, United States

A girl with a sensitive heart, high volume laughing/smiling capability, loves small talk and long conversations. can't imagine living without family, friends and ice cream oh and LipGloss!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


I am not jet lagged anymore. Thank God, or should I thank myself for not being tempted to sleep while the sun is out. It is almost against nature's rule to sleep while the sun shines. Why waste time sleeping when you could be........... ummm working? Anyway.

Today I feel the need to start my day by writing a few lines. Don't ask me why. Just one of those days. I am content yet something is missing, something small which ACTUALLY seems to stand out in the grand schema of things. At the moment I am going to let it be there and not try to figure out what it is. It is what it is. They say sometimes it is ok to leave it alone and let it be part of you. Who is 'they' you ask? No clue.

I am well slept. My eyes are not tired, nor do my heels hurt from the rubbing of my shoes while walking so many kilometers of tiny streets made from cobblestones in Italy. I am tanned a bit. I can see the light lines of my shoe straps while the rest of my feet are a shade darker. This just tells me that the summer is almost here. I wonder if this summer is going to be dry just like my lips and face at the moment. I keep rubbing Lavender & Orange Badger Lip Balm on my lips constantly. It is suppose to soothe, smooth and improve your skin. It has organic extra virgin olive oil with beeswax and extracts of aloe vera. Truly, it does not seem to help at all like it did before. Perhaps it’s old and has lost its soothing ability? Is that possible? I mean I have had this little round tin box (.75 oz) for the last 14 months. It came from Whole Foods in Austin, Texas. On the side of the box it says, Try it. Use it. Never Lose it. I have successfully followed the instructions. Quick note: I just took a second and rubbed it again.

My g-talk window is blinking. Someone has pinged me but I am not in the mood to switch windows and see who it is and what they are saying. I just want to type, type random nothings. Be it about my tin box almost empty of its ‘non-soothing at the moment’ balm, my feet, broken left thumb nail, the missing something inside me or the white and brown sleeve of Sarbucks coffee cup, a summer special I am assuming. Regina Spektor is singing “On the Radio” in my ears.

Last night, I was sitting in my red cushioned chair by our lovely two bookshelves, with my laptop on my lap, ha. I had my hair tied in a bun; couple of my hairs pulled hard by the rubber band and hurting me a bit somewhere around the lower left side of my neck. I was irritated by it but was too lazy to re-do my bun. As I was surfing, I stumbled upon an acquaintances’ blog [RS] and learned her father has left her, for a bit, until its time for her to be with him. Before I could realize, tears were rolling down my cheeks. I wanted to stop myself but could not. No matter how hard one tries to console an individual who has lost a dear one, it is tough. We just cannot do it. Personally, I don’t think it is possible. What works is that clichéd one word, Time. But sometimes that is not the answer either. This paragraph is meant to go nowhere. I will stop here.

I slept. I woke up. I got ready. Chinmay and I sipped on our warm hot chocolate over a conversation about cleaning lady, laundry, resumes, and wrinkled clothes. We decided the hot chocolate just was not enough and drove to Starbucks. Picked up our ‘usuals’ and stood outside since our regular spot was taken. We enjoyed the morning cool breeze, continued our conversation while looking at the condos near by and headed to the train station. I dropped Chinmay off for his 8:40 to Berkeley, and got on the road. I turned NPR on to hear a young man from Ohio has been found dead in a bombing in Bagdad. I tried to listen for about 30 seconds and switched the radio off. I called my mother and spoke to her for the next 30 minutes till I reached work and here I am writing. Now I will start my day, with that something still missing.

Monday, April 21, 2008

It was a blast.

Thursday, April 10, 2008


Pallu43 (9:36:22 AM): Dave, i am going to Italy tomorrow and need to know how to say Hi, Thank you, Have a good day and where is the bathroom in italian. help.
Das Ubergeek (9:36:36 AM): hahahahahaha
Das Ubergeek (9:36:49 AM): hi = buon giorno (daytime), buona sera (evening)
Das Ubergeek (9:36:55 AM): thank you = "grazie"
Das Ubergeek (9:37:09 AM): have a good day? nobody says that in Italian
Pallu43 (9:37:24 AM): how about "go to hell?"
Das Ubergeek (9:38:26 AM): hahahahahha
Das Ubergeek (9:38:28 AM): one thing at a time
Pallu43 (9:38:36 AM): i only have 24 hours.
Das Ubergeek (9:38:37 AM): where is the bathroom = dov'e la toletta
Pallu43 (9:38:40 AM): u dont understand.
Das Ubergeek (9:38:43 AM): (i might misspell this)
Das Ubergeek (9:38:51 AM): (because i don't really ever write Italian)
Das Ubergeek (9:38:57 AM): huh?!
Pallu43 (9:39:11 AM): i only have 24 hours to learn all this hahah
Das Ubergeek (9:39:17 AM): or dov'e il gabinetto?
Das Ubergeek (9:39:20 AM): that's a little more proper
Das Ubergeek (9:39:27 AM): "where is the toilet" vs. "where is the bathroom"
Das Ubergeek (9:39:32 AM): so
Das Ubergeek (9:39:50 AM): Hello - Buon giorno - bwohn JORR-no
Das Ubergeek (9:40:09 AM): Hello - Buona sera - BWOHN-ah SAI-dah
Das Ubergeek (9:40:26 AM): Goodbye (formal) - Arrivederci - ah-ree-veh-DAIR-chee
Das Ubergeek (9:40:34 AM): Goodbye (to people your own age) - Ciao - CHOW
Das Ubergeek (9:40:56 AM): Where is the bathroom - Dov'e il gabinetto - DUH-vayl gah-bee-NET-toh
Das Ubergeek (9:41:16 AM): Please - per favore - pair fah-VOH-day
Das Ubergeek (9:41:36 AM): Thank you - grazie - GRAHT-syay
Das Ubergeek (9:41:57 AM): You're welcome - prego - PREH-goh (also used when someone hands you something)
Pallu43 (9:41:57 AM): see i knew u'd save me.
Pallu43 (9:42:13 AM): i am going to print this chat and memorize it on the flight.
Das Ubergeek (9:42:24 AM): Go to hell / Fuck off / Get stuffed - vaffanculo - vah-fahn-GOO-loh
Pallu43 (9:42:31 AM): Woh Dave Easy there mate.
Pallu43 (9:42:35 AM): "grazie"

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Hello 27
