iss pal ki dhun.....

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Location: Bay Area, California, United States

A girl with a sensitive heart, high volume laughing/smiling capability, loves small talk and long conversations. can't imagine living without family, friends and ice cream oh and LipGloss!

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Everyone is a WINNER!!

I woke up, got ready, picked up my purse,stepped out of my room and -----stopped..i almost forgot "him" i went closer and touched with both of my hands, took myself so very near and just let "him" wrap around my warm, so nice, so gentle!! --- Scarf!!! my scarf is ready! i shall call him..."it"..but in marathi scarf falls into a masculine category therefore i call "it" ..."him" Plus...he came out from hardwork of three females...two needls and the wool :)

So the weekend was _________ dashing! so much fun! though never knew it could take almost 6 hours to reach san diego, or some parts of the world you can walk outside at 4 am and feel the dew dropping on you....its a VERY SLOW motion of rain which feels so good to your skin - split of a second drop and that incident has rented out a little space in my heart by giving me the rent in the form of "nature appriciation awarness!!" hehe:)

"When you pass away who would you like your money to go to?" the lady's voice came to my ears once, then again and again..and she said,"Miss, are you there?" My mind was turned into an automatic rewinder which kept rewinding what the lady said and replying it back to me!!--- Yeah, i was settling my medical insurance over the phone and this question came up, i thought to myself--- "hmm, this is the race which not a lot of people want to win...not many fight with eachother to cross the finish line to get that medal of "departure for good" ..nor they work hard to get there...rather work harder to not reach it!" I shall call it the race of life which many lose even after trying so hard to not cross the finish line..they are MADE to cross it, simply to win the Medal of "Departure for Good" - whether you want it or not - we are all winners afterall!

Thursday, August 26, 2004

Going on a One way street...but the wrong direction!

Ninth grade it was i started taking typing lessons. lately i have been noticing that i type really fast...but defintiely not as fast the thoughts in my mind sometimes. Ok so there are some days where my mind just has too many thoughts....i am a little person and how is it fair for all those thoughts to visit me on the same day, same time, same moment ...tsk tsk tsk at the thoughts!!! I mean they are so strong and powerful that they totally drag me into the la la land of nowhere. Its one after the other and another and more. They run at me so fast and i just want to get out of the way, duck down, step out BUT, for some reason something inside my head says, Come on show them whats up! So here is my ego trying to be COOL and Hip...ready in a charlie's Angel Pose to take it on... so as they come so fast at me and are being so little they just push me down on the ground of questions and answers,they get me rolling and summersaulting with the negatives/positives - the pros and the cons. so somehow i manage to get up on my feet with the help of that cane of wrong/right decisions so i can walk on that path of "moving forward". So then i am walking, running, jogging, watever the hell i am doing.. most of the times i end up smiling cuz i reach where i need to reach and then there are some days i slow down and say to myself..."Pallu, you are going on a one way street......and do you realize that this is the wrong direction?!"

Three’s Company..

I was born on the third, I like the number 3 and I’ve always had good stories with number 3. and in this case again It’s the three of them. One of them is so soft and good looking and the other two are just sharp and pointy – but definitely wanted! All three of them have their own identity, so unique so different but at the same time they work so well together. I mean if it wasn’t for the three together we wouldn’t be so warm and cozy. Its so cool how the two of them come together almost hugging criss corss and the third one keeps hugging them in different directions or even wrapping herself around from the front and the back and just pouring all the love on to the other two…. while they take it all and lay out a nice beautiful end piece (wohhh wohhh..dont get any wrong ideas ….no awesome threesome is going on here ok…..) – its my lovely Crème Woolen Scarf! My two big fat nice blue needles and a nice white chashmir wool from Michaels is the story behind these three lovely ladies =) My scarf is so pretty..its just about time for the fall for my scarf to fall on my neck to beautify my clothes and warm me up while waking down those crossings on brand avenue in Glendale.

Just another random Thought….Avril is so right… “don’t leave me hanging in a city so dead…..Held up so high on such a breakable thread !!!
So Pallu says: today happens to be the day where I have not much to say………(avril takes over again) --all this time ….you were pretending……so much for my happy ending!!!

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

2, 4, 6, 8 , 10, 12…

These were the numbers in the elevator this morning when I got on. All the evens. Wonder whatever happened to the odd ones! As I was wondering what happened to the odd ones, I came into my cube, saw I had a voicemail light flashing on my phone. I completely forgot my password. So our administrative assistant called the telecom people to reset my password and the new password was… 1 -3 -5- 7- 9 …so there came the odds! These little odds and even add up to an interesting number in my life! Hmm!

So the weather is definitely doing well here! Today is IKEA day…going to my favorite place – love it! Walk in - pick up that little pencil, put it behind my ear, get that sheet where you can add number of items you want, that big tote and I am off on the IKEA floors to get my mind into a test of figuring out what is going to look good where. The colors, the styles, the looks…just very so unique.

Today has been pretty good… meetings the whole day so nothing productive from projects point of view…. Ufff ufff ufff

As I knock the blog off today..i saw the Pasadena mountains look at me today. They were looking right at me all this time and I never gave them any attention before, so I sent a little message with the wind telling them that I will definitely give them a quick look as I ride down the I-5 in the morning. Hopefully the fog buddies wont be covering them too much for my smile to reach the very top most mountain!

Monday, August 23, 2004

Weekend Blast….

What do I say? Can you believe it? Isn’t that just strange? Yep! I didn’t know how to start my blog this morning. I couldn’t think of what to say... and no no… not because I have nothing to say, it’s because I have too much to say today (or is that always?). Yes yes…Soo many little little great things happened with me since Friday. First things first, totally getting into watching movies! I watched Kill Bill and LOTR part two over the weekend. Kill bill was a disappointment. I am not a big fan of blood splashing around everywhere. The saddest part was when the mother gets killed in front of the daughter.. wonder if that was shot so then the same thing would happen to her what happened to Lucy Lui as a child and became an assassinator….is that what “Kill The Bride” is going to be about? …wonder wonder wonder..

So while we wonders abouts whats going to happens to “kill The Bride!!!” in parts twos we can puts the spot lights on Smeagol, Frodo, Sam and give high fives to the trees who kick some serious butt in LOTR – the Two Towers! Amazing effects ( I know I know..i am so behind with the movies…but something better than nothing at all eh?)

Apart from the moives, I cooked this weekend.. VERY BIG DEAL for me and was very excited that the stuff I made turned out very good J

WINNER! I won a nice pair of $68 worth jeans at the GAP this weekend. I needed to buy couple nice new jeans, I walked into the gap and this gentleman handed me a peel-off sticker for their jeans/pants promo. And I won! Everyone at the store was so excited, they were like, “You are the first winner since this promo started!” I got Free Jeans J Yay! They are sexy! I like I like!

And as per today….All I have to say at this moment is….San Francisco sent little flying buddies of gorgeous weather to LA today. Its beautiful outside and my music and the moon roof on my car made my drive to work even more stunning….

Friday, August 20, 2004

I am in love......with Yahoo Audibles

People are weird and strange. I am people, and so therefore (according to symbolic logic) I fall into the weird and strange category. You are probably wondering, “why the hell is she calling herself a weirdo..?” well so this pencil incident took place and I was so amused by it. And so I’ll share something else with you. Ok I love to laugh and just have little giggles here and there…so on Yahoo messenger, they have added these new audibles which are different faces which say, hello’s, goodbyes, laughs,etc. and I am so in love with them. I kid you NOT. I am in love with them. I keep messaging Razia and keep putting them in her yahoo window. I got my mom started on it, I keep sending them out to all my friends and ….the weirdest thing ..i added myself on to yahoo messenger and I send myself these audibles to get a laugh out of it. (rolling my eyes at my ownself) I do it! I message myself to get giggles! Mom walked into my room last night and goes, Enough of those now! But I really like them too much!

So I am rolling in my car into the garage this morning, I have puff daddy playing…old school…”cant nobody hold me down….i’ve got to keep on moving”…and I guess my co-worker saw me rap with puff and ma$e. I walk in with my “professional” self get settled and I hear a tap on my cube..i said, “Hey wats going on?” ….Him: So pallavi…its good to have such sweet energy on the team who likes to rap at 9:00 in the morning and bump it up in the car” HUMILATED!!! SO EMBARRASED!!!!!!!!!! Life is definitely a jigsaw puzzle and everyday sure is a new piece!!

Thursday, August 19, 2004

Pencil + Toilet = Flush...

As stupid as it sounds...and yes it is very stupid..but how many times do you drop a pencil in the toilet and watch it flush away! Yea i know not too many times! well that happened to me today..and i was like......oh man its gotta be flushed now! AHHA ..pertty stupid huh..ya ya ya.i. know i know... well other than the pencil going to the flushland...i had a great party at my house this past weekend. So many of my friends came and enjoyed. It was out of this world. I had a great great time. We played some really really fun games towards the end of the party. I got to spend some time with the people which i had not really spent any time with before. Mummy made excellent food! ( i never ate that night, but ppl keep telling me still how good the food was ) watching a movie during a weekday!!!!!! FIRST one for me :) I saw Garv last night..very good :) i liked it! Salman khan did a good job! :) I need to see Finding Nemo and Shrek..... Ok so Tum Bin Jau Kaha is catching my attention.. i drive home on time to watch that series on Z-tv! wow.....T .V and i never went well together..wats happening????????? is the life taking a different mode?

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Gaurav's Inspiration....

So he said, why dont you do it? You'll like it! And so here I am...starting my own new world of writing blogs. I dont know how much in detail ill go here, but this is definitely going to be a test for me to see if i keep up with the entries or not! lets see....